Speak Up! Listen Up!
“Dr. Chuck Davis is a unique combination of a brilliant theologian and a passionate mission-focused leader. He inspires others not only through his teaching and wisdom but through his winsome, contagious spirit filled life. It is his deep intimacy with Jesus in private that releases God inspired boldness and courage in public. If you spend time with Dr. Davis it will not be very long before you will be challenged, inspired and pulled into deeper intimacy with Jesus.”
- Dr. David Hearn
President of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada
Jonah and Me
There is an inherent desire in all of us to know that our lives really matter. We were created to flourish. Unfortunately, many of the models or aspirations of flourishing from our culture are limiting. This is because they are disconnected from God's original design for us. We flourish most when we find our lives in the overflow of what God is doing in this world.
God is a missionary God. Throughout the Scriptures, God again and again, invites his people to be on mission with him. The story of Jonah in the Hebrew scriptures is one of God's most graphic callings. It is a midcourse correction for the children of God. It is also an invitation to all of us to ask if we are on mission with God.
After exploring the story of Jonah, Jonah and Me, will unfold a biblical theology of mission. Beginning in Genesis and moving through Revelation, using the larger themes of being chosen, called, and commissioned, we will see how God has been inviting his children to be on mission with him throughout the ages.
The Bold Christian
Opposition! It is inevitable in any worthwhile pursuit. Jesus even promised challenge in the faith journey, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). There is a bit of a reflex in us when hearing these words from Jesus—you have overcome but what about me. It does not always feel like I am overcoming.
Davis presents the case that one key aspect of being an overcomer for the Christ follower is the notion of spiritual authority. Living in a world that is rooted in power, Christ followers are challenged daily by powers that seek to interrupt or trample their success in the journey through Christ—the world and the kingdom of darkness. Davis believes that while followers receive empowerment from the Holy Spirit, this power is only fully operational as they function out of their God-given authority.